TOP 10 Technology Trends to help during Covid-19 Pandemic.

We are unknown of the nature's call and suddenly everything got disrupted with the pandemic. But as us evolving humans we manage to deal with the situation and adjust to the surrounding and for the same we have made our way that can make us survive through unprecedented times i.e Technology. Technology has played a vital role in fast-forwarding innovations and creative ideas. Businesses are still operating remotely, work from home is on the rise and the freelance market is taking a big U-turn for the first time.

Here are the Top 10 Tech trends that keep us driving:

1. Digital Shopping

Gone are the days when you have to step out to buy every single thing specially in terms of daily grocery needs. We have virtual store set up for us, thanks to Technology. People from all over the world are shopping online.

The current trend in this technology now is robots soon will be replacing the delivery guys and it's already getting tested in China. This form of technology is turning a new leaf over and robots in future will help us reducing the labour service.

2. Digital Payment gateways

Cash specially during the times of Covid-19 can get unhealthy and we all know it. What good use is a face mask when we are getting exposed to a paper which can be a carrier?

Digital payments have been there for a long time and today they are adding a more personal meaning to it.

As mobile apps today are ever so helpful, in this regard for customers to make digital transactions. With digital payments you do not have to leave the safety of your home.

3. Work from home culture

Work from home is the new thing in and it has shown the world today how we can easily adapt to this new culture without affecting work. Today, virtual meetings, cloud technology, and work collaboration tools etc allows a person to communicate via video calls.

Work from home strategy is accepted by all, to prevent the spread of disease in the crowded work environment of office. It also saves traveling time and is more flexible than the normal circumstances.

4. E-Learning

E-learning courses were introduced a decade ago but today they add a more personal meaning to it. Because of the development of e-commerce, businesses have become more familiar and users increased.

Universities and schools have taken the necessary measure by providing online educational courses for students all over the world. Many countries announced the e-learning to take place during quarantine to continue the course studies and the use of technology is ever immense.

5. Working Drones

Keeping a social distance is compulsory. But some businesses are more labor centric than others like retail, food, manufacturing and logistics. To out rule the instability in these industries, companies are more open to the ideas of using drones and machines for the very purpose.

While the robots may cover some services, new job policies are in action for the work force.

6. Digital Entertainment

Today Amazon Prime, Netflix etc are one of the most streaming sites today. Humans today have found innovative ways to entertain themselves. Apps like Instagram and Snapchat are primarily used for making videos. Moreover, virtual tours are becoming a trend for African safari, museum tours or international heritage sites, which means you do not have to step outside. Gaming today has taken a new plunge in the world of entertainment for everyone. Cloud based platforms are getting created accordingly for gaming.

Online video platforms like YouTube, Daily motion are ever-increasing today and various DIY's and other videos are mostly becoming popular keeping the users entertained.

7. Information Technology & Communication

5G is here. It is on the rollout Although it is not yet available in some countries, adaptability with compatible devices will help to boost the internet signals and the networks will be stronger.

The latest technology will become the reason for better connectivity & communication and more people will be able to get their work done quickly.

8. 3D printing Technology

To overcome the losses specially in exports and trying to maintain a relative supply chain in demand, 3D printing is a far more flexible production to be taken into account. These printers can be used to design and print various products and or parts of machinery as well. It doesn't require any detailed procurement process which means it takes a shorter time and is an effective method.

9. Digital Health Clinics

Digital health proves to be an effective strategy to contain the virus outspread with preliminary and precautionary care. More like a working app with certain quality features, Chatbots can diagnose the symptoms of a patient right away. This way you do not have to go to a hospital and if you are tested positive, you can self-isolate yourself.

It does require a good internet connection to operate and tech literacy to operate it.

10. International supply chain

Industries, factories shut down due to quarantine affecting the supply chain. Exporting items became crucial, and companies had to rely on paper-based records due to the lack of any flexibility and diversity in the supply chain.

Due to the export ban, factories shut, and a deterrence in work, companies are now focused on a revolution in technology that will help supply chain, enhance the security of data, and prolong data sharing as well.